Rambling Ranch Home
This is a new rambling single-level ranch home with a huge attached garage designed for a summer 2024 build near in Broadwater County, Montana. This home is 2200 square feet of living space with a large four-car garage wing.

Here we see the rear entry and the four car garage. By stepping the footprint of the home and varying the roof lines and heights this home has a lot of character while still offering a single level home solution.

The design software allows us to rotate the house to show various angles. From a ground plane view the rear of the home is not visible. This aerial view allows a grasp of what the entire composition looks like and demonstrates the harmony among the parts.

The interior perspective view allows a glimpse inside without the roof blocking. The size of the front porch, configuration of the rooms within the house and the open garage are all shown here. Interior doors, cabinetry, flooring choices, wall finishes, and window details are all viewable.

The floor plan for this home depicts a formal dining room, living room, master suite, two additional bedrooms, laundry, kitchen, and three baths. The deviations from a square or rectangular footprint give additional views from some of the rooms while also creating a pleasing rhythm to the structure.